LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons

Crinière de Lion X Yerba Maté - 1 mois d'approvisionnement

LST : Thé liquide aux champignons

Pack size Single

Crinière de Lion X Yerba Maté

Notre mélange de thé glacé Yerba boosté aux champignons est une infusion énergétique aux agrumes conçue pour vous fournir une énergie naturelle et soutenue sans les pics. Sans sucre ni arômes artificiels, c'est le choix idéal pour maintenir votre concentration et votre vitalité tout au long de la journée. Avec seulement quatre ingrédients simples, chaque portion contient 1 000 mg de crinière de lion pour un soutien cognitif, associés à 160 mg de caféine naturelle pour un regain d'énergie doux et sans tremblement.

Restez alerte et énergique, que vous affrontiez une journée de travail chargée ou que vous vous prépariez pour des sports et des aventures. Notre thé glacé à la crinière de lion et au Yerba Maté est votre compagnon de confiance pour une clarté mentale inébranlable et une vitalité soutenue.

Ajoutez simplement de l'eau et mélangez.

*Ces déclarations n'ont pas été évaluées par la Food and Drug Administration. Ce produit n'est pas destiné à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une quelconque maladie.

  • Sans sucre
  • 1000 mg de crinière de lion
  • 160 mg de caféine naturelle

100 % de poudre de champignons entiers

De fortes concentrations de fructifications mélangées à du mycélium pour que vous puissiez bénéficier des bienfaits du champignon entier. Cultivé sur des substrats organiques contenant du bois et des coques organiques, le substrat est ensuite jeté.

Cuit à la vapeur pour une biodisponibilité maximale

Nos champignons sont soumis au processus exclusif en deux étapes de Stay Wyld utilisant de la vapeur pour extraire les bêta-glucanes des parois cellulaires fongiques protectrices (chitine), garantissant ainsi à votre corps d'absorber leurs bienfaits.

Nous cultivons nos propres champignons

Du substrat à l’air, à l’eau, à l’humidité, aux ingrédients et aux températures, nous contrôlons ici l’ensemble du processus pour vous garantir des produits à base de champignons de la plus haute qualité.

Certifié biologique

Grâce à Pro-Cert, nous suivons les directives biologiques les plus strictes au monde.​​

Lion's Mane

Stay Wyld Lion's Mane Supplements are perfect for a health boost on the go. Our Lion's Mane mushroom capsules and powders are filled with a blend of mycelium and fruiting bodies. Lion's Mane capsules make it easy to control dosage on a regimented schedule, or maybe you’re not as big a fan of mushroom flavour as we are but you love the benefits. We’ve got you. We’ve got Lion's Mane capsules.

Questions fréquemment posées

No, our gummies don’t contain any psychedelic mushrooms. We’ve formulated them with functional mushrooms that focus on health and wellness. These mushrooms are adaptogenic and nootropic, boosting cognitive function, easing stress, and improving overall well-being. They’re 100% legal and have a long history of safe use. While they’re not "MAGIC," they certainly offer magical benefits.

We grow our mushrooms ourselves—none of them come from China! By controlling every step of the cultivation process, we ensure top-notch quality. We hand-pick the mushrooms at peak potency and use the whole mushroom in our products. We believe in full transparency because you deserve to know precisely where your mushrooms come from and how they’re nurtured.

Absolutely! All our ingredients are 100% safe and certified organic in Canada. We put them through rigorous testing and even use third-party labs to verify their quality. You can trust that you’re getting only the best.

Not at all! Each gummy contains less than half a gram of sugar. We designed these gummies to help you take functional mushrooms without compromising your health. Since high sugar is linked to various health issues, we kept it minimal to ensure our gummies enhance your wellness without any sugar-related downsides.

Our gummies offer a more palatable alternative to capsules and powders without skimping on functional mushrooms. Each gummy packs a potent dose, making them powerful wellness boosters that seamlessly fit into your daily routine. They’re not candy—they’re designed to improve your life!

Our gummies are safe, but as with any supplement, start with the recommended dose to see how your body reacts. Everyone is different, so listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

We recommend one gummy a day. Each gummy is packed with functional mushrooms and contains less than half a gram of sugar, making it an easy and effective addition to your wellness routine.

Yes, we use whole mushrooms, including the fruiting body and mycelium. This blend ensures you get the full spectrum of benefits, including high levels of Beta-glucans with every chew.

We offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied, simply return the unused portion within 60 days for a full refund. Please note that shipping costs are non-refundable.

  • Functional Mushrooms: Provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition, supporting immune health, focus, and overall well-being.
  • Nootropics: Enhance cognitive function, particularly memory, creativity, and focus.

Adaptogens: Help your body adapt to stress and maintain balance.

You may notice a shift as early as 3-5 days in, but typically within a few weeks. Consistency is key, so take them every day to maximize the benefits!

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews

This is a good pick me up. Feel more energized almost immediately!

Keeps my energye up

At first, I found the taste odd, but you get used to it, it's not too sugary, which I appreciate. I used to drink 3 to 4 coffee, now I'm down to 1 or 2 :D and I only need to take 1 or 2 gummies to keep my energy up for the day at work and the evening with my 3 kids :P

Nice pick me up

I enjoy these on days when I miss my morning coffee, or when I want to double up on caffeine. They don’t give me caffeine jitters but I feel energized.

Amazing Focus!

I was amazed at the focus and energy one gummy gave! I had two final exams to write, each was 3 hours long. I took a gummy before the first one, not expecting the fantastic result! My focus was incredible, even throughout the second exam! Over 90% achieved on both! I am extremely Happy with this product and will continue to purchase.

Randi Charette
Free trial sold me

I received the free trial pack when I placed my order with Stay Wyld. I love that I got to try the Focused Energy. It’s that little pick me up just after lunchtime that helps me to stay focused and give a little energy boost to get thru the afternoon. With my strong family history of Alzheimer’s/Dementia I was glad to have the added benefits of Lions Mane. Great tasting gummy!

Ees Maybe
Energy boost without the crash

I received these gummies (trial pack) as a gift in a recent order. Tried one and was surprised. I am a daily coffee drinker and taking just one of these gave me my morning boost without the crash, no coffee needed. Definitely recommend

Focused Energy

These are my favs…..They allow me to keep my eyes on the task (focused) and feel energized while doing so! Great day starters 🙌

Sharp and energized

Just like they claim - these gummies provide the perfect boost of energy and focus without the crash. I keep them in my desk for help with long meetings and mid-afternoon crashes.

Robin Jewers
Energy boost

A noticeable energy boost with these guys. Make the 6 am workout way easier when I’m not yawning throughout


I recently ordered Reishi pills for myself and they sent a little surprise pack in the mail for me. It was gummies made from Yerba mate and lions mane and wow! It was so good. I was focused and alert without any down side to it. And it only took one gummy. I’m definitely going to get these next time I order. Thanks guys!